Saturday, February 6, 2010


Reminder to those who havent been coming down to training sessions for 2wks straight or more, please at least attend nxt week's training to contribute to the team fund for the month of feb & those who still haven't paid for the month of jan, please do not delay anymore as we're trying to get the jerseys soon. we also hope everyone understands & respect the contributions made by each member to the team so as to build up funds for future purposes such as friendly matches, tournaments, outings etc.

MOST PROBABLY when everything is ok and when we see everyone is good & ready to go, there'll be a tournament in march. So keep attending trainings to work on our extra touches & fitness level. (its not even everyday, its just on SATURDAYS)

For next week's training, the colour is BLUE. Please be at hajjaz shop by 3.30 pm. Training is at Yuhua pri sch field.

& lastly, we wish all our BUMBLEBEE FC team members a HAPPY LUNAR NEW YEAR!

With regards, Ahmad Izzat (Captain of Bumblebee FC)